29 June 2010
errmmmm....da nk balik penang!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xbest tol cuti..huhu
yg best..sbb 'WORLD CUP' je!!hek3...
duk uma da bosan..huhu
asek2 men XBOX..huhuhu
da abes sume game..hek3..
pas 2 on9..2 je la keje nye..huhuhu
huhuhu..da la tgh tkot nih..
balik kolej t bru tau result!waaaa!!!!
tkot si-ot!!!hahaha
t kisah nk balik nih..akn b'smbung..
stay tuned!!!hek3..
di ilham oleh mrWann 2 org mengumpat
26 June 2010
saya suda ade formspring!!!!!hek3...
korg klu de pape nk tnye..ley la tnye kt formspring uhh..
tnye bg nme skali au...jgn senyp2..xbest..huhuhu
di ilham oleh mrWann 0 org mengumpat
25 June 2010
why are our lives complicated???
some people said they life is complicated and some said not....
do you think your life complicated??
if "yes"..why...??
if "no"..also why??..huhuhu
i just want the answer..
for me??
our life sum time complicated and some not..
depend on conditions and situations..
what is your answer???
di ilham oleh mrWann 3 org mengumpat
23 June 2010
pening pale arr nk post blog..huhuhu
xtau nk post pe..
bola td agak ok...huhuhu
yg smlm pnye best!!!
Korea Selatan dpt msuk last 16..huhuhu
nice laa korea selatan..
wakil asia yg dpt msuk...huhuhuhu
klu nk tggu malaysia...xtau arr taun ble msuk enn..huhuhuhu
di ilham oleh mrWann 2 org mengumpat
20 June 2010
Toy Story 3....
td ak ngn abg ak g mid valley..tgk wyg...
nk tau cte pew???
hahahaha...lg mau tnye kn...da tjuk post aku nme cte nihh..hek3...
cte nie best..siap tgk ngn 3D ag..hehehe
mmg klaka gle cte nih..sdih pon de...
tp mmg BEST!!!!
klu nk suh rate..1-5..
aku plih 4.59...
mmg best..sronok..funny..
mmg gelak sesaje...huhuhuhuhu
and dy pnye ending agk sdih sket laa...
nk tau...tgk sndri leee.....hek3...
di ilham oleh mrWann 4 org mengumpat
19 June 2010
Heart of Gratitude!!
A blind sat on the steps on a building with a hat by his feet.
He held a sign which said :
"I am blind, please help."
There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by:
He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat.
He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words.
He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by see the new words.
Soon the hat begin to fill up.
A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.
That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.
The boy recognize his footsteps and asked,
"Were you the one who changed my sign this morning?What did you write?"
The man said,
"I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way."
I wrote:
"Today is a beautiful day but i cannot see it."
Both sign told people that the boy were blind.
But the first sign simply said the boy were blind.
The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind.
Should we be surprised that the second sign were more effective?
Moral of the story:
Be thankful for what you have..
Be creative, be innovative...
Think differently and positively..
When life gives you 100 reason to cry..
Show life that you have 1000 reason to smile..
Face your past without regret..
Handle your present with confidence..
Prepare for the future without fear..
Keep the faith, drop the fear..
The most beautiful thing to see is a person smiling..
And even more beautiful is..
Knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!
Enjoy your day with a heart of gratitude!
di ilham oleh mrWann 0 org mengumpat
hahahahahahahah....suda ade signature!!!!!!!hek3...
di ilham oleh mrWann 2 org mengumpat
npe laa ku malas nk update blog..huhuhuhu
xde idea kowt...
nta lee...
tggu le t..
di ilham oleh mrWann 0 org mengumpat
13 June 2010
Goreng Pisang...
tjuk post ngn pe yg aku nk post kn nie xde kne mngene ngn pon..saje je..hak3...sbb bosann...
just nk try sumthing 'new'..'new' kew??huhuhu
nk ckp pe ehh??psal bola laa..hahahha
sape yg xmnt..wat2 la mnt ehh..hek3..
game yg aku rase best time Korea Selatan ngn Greece..
fuhh!!!kire puas ati arr tgk enn...huhuhu
goal Park Ji Sung..da bleh menunjuk kan betapa negara asia bleh menandingi negara len..hehehe
Malaysia??ble ag nk msuk World Cup???
xkn nk tggu aku da de cucu bru dpt msuk???hahahaha
Game mlm td..England ngn U.S.A..
aku ingt Eng mng..tp...hahahahahaha
salah Robert Green @ salah???salah sape??hahahah.....nta!!!!!!aku xtau...huhuhuhu..
tp mlm nie de ag...hahaha
ble Spain nk men nihh!!!lmbt nye...
xsaba nk tggu Spain men...hehehehe
jd??kne la sabo...
di ilham oleh mrWann 4 org mengumpat
10 June 2010
akhir nye...
tamat lah sudah "final exam" aku pada semester dua nie...
punyelah b'tungkus lumus wat last paper td..hek3..
aku skng suda smpai kt uma laaa...hahahahah
abes je exam..trus siap2 nk balik...xpkir lgsg hal laen..pkir nk balik jee...sbb WORLD CUP da semakin hampir di hadapan aku!!!!!!!!hahahahahahaha
bola..bola..bola itu bulat..hek3
yg penting..
di ilham oleh mrWann 4 org mengumpat
06 June 2010
kpd sume..sila ambik perhatiaan...
kpd sape2 yg pkai selipar croc nih...sila lee tuka kn nye kpd selipar yg len..
pkai selipar jepon lg bguss...hek3..
renung2 kn laa...
di ilham oleh mrWann 0 org mengumpat
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